Thursday, August 2, 2012

BETA CAROTENE: Smokers and Vitamins collide

These are the results of a study performed on supplements of vitamins A and E and Cancer prevention.  These studies and more can be found at the website of the National Cancer Institute

In order to determine the long-term effects from vitamin supplements in smokers, ATBC researchers followed the participants for an additional eight years after the trial ended. The findings from this follow-up study, published in the July 23, 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, as well as the initial trial results, are summarized in this fact sheet.
1.  What was the purpose and design of the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Trial?
     The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Trial was a cancer prevention trial conducted by the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Public Health Institute of Finland from 1985 to 1993. The purpose of the study was to determine whether certain vitamin supplements would prevent lung cancer and other cancers in a group of 29,133 male smokers in Finland. The 50- to 69-year-old participants took a pill daily for five to eight years that contained one of the following: 50 milligrams (mg) alpha-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E), 20 mg of beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), both, or a placebo (inactive pill that looked like the vitamin).
2.  What were the principal findings?
     •  ATBC researchers reported that men who took beta-carotene had an 18 percent increased incidence of lung cancers and an 8 percent increased overall mortality. Vitamin E had no effect on lung cancer incidence or overall mortality. The men taking both supplements had outcomes similar to those taking beta-carotene alone (New England Journal of Medicine 1994;330:1029).
     •  The adverse effects of beta-carotene appeared stronger in men with a relatively modest alcohol intake (more than 11 grams per day; 15 grams of alcohol is equivalent to one drink) and in those smoking at least 20 cigarettes daily (Journal of the National Cancer Institute1996;88:1560).
     •  Participants taking vitamin E had 32 percent fewer cases of prostate cancer and 41 percent fewer deaths from prostate cancer. Death from hemorrhagic stroke (a deficit of blood to the brain due to the rupture of a blood vessel) was also increased by 50 percent in men taking alpha-tocopherol supplements; the increase occurred primarily among men with hypertension. (Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1998;90:440 and Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2000;20:230).
3.  What were the conclusions and recommendations from the post-trial follow-up?(Journal of American Medical Association 2003;290:476)
     •  The adverse effects from beta-carotene and the beneficial effects from supplementation with alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) largely disappeared during the post-trial follow-up period.
     •  The findings indicate a symmetry in the time course during and after the trial. That is, the time it took for the elevated lung cancer rates and lower prostate cancer rates to occur was similar to the time for these adverse and beneficial effects to disappear.
     •  There were no additional beneficial late effects on cancer or mortality observed after the trial ended.
     •  The results of both the trial and post-trial follow-up of the ATBC Study, in conjunction with results from the CARET Study (beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial) completed in 1996, continue to support the recommendation that beta-carotene supplementation should be avoided by smokers. The possible preventive effects of alpha-tocopherol on prostate cancer require confirmation in other ongoing trials.
     •  Continued follow-up of the participants will provide unique and valuable information on the duration of trial effects and potential late effects of intervention with these antioxidant vitamins. Further follow-up will also contribute to our understanding of the biological mechanisms through which such hemoprevention agents affect carcinogenesis and human cancer risk.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Links to Selenium soil content and Cancer risk

This is a map highlighting the many diagnoses of skin cancer in the United States.  Here we can see the highest amounts are along the eastern seaboard and western coastlines, cornering itself in areas such as New England and the Northwestern United States.  Now that may sound weird to hear considering these areas also statistically receive less overall direct sunlight.  How is it that these skin cancer breakouts are not occurring in large amounts in areas in the so called "Sun Belt"?  Well that is because scientists are finally realizing that the sun is not bad for you!  The sun belt states have lower incidents of skin cancer due to there large amounts of sun exposure and vitamin D absorption. 

This is a map of the United States with low selenium content in soil levels.  Red areas are scarce in the mineral.  Selenium is something of a environmental protecting agent, in that it protects our cells from the constant barrage of carcinogens and pollutants.  Now if you look back at the map you first saw, you may notice some similarities.  Both maps show once again the New England and Northwestern states both have the highest skin cancer rates and the lowest Selenium soil levels.  Florida as an exception has one of the scarcest soil content levels of Selenium as of current, and a lower incident rate for skin cancer.  This is important because it lets us show the correlation between sun exposure and cancer rates.  Do not be afraid of the sun, take plenty of vitamin E and use a organic sunscreen to prevent the cooking of harsh petrochemicals into your skin and the blocking of healthy sun rays. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cooling Heat Flashes

Here are some Natural Solutions to hot flashes.  Many women have found relief in as quickly as two days from taking 800 i.u. of vitamin E.  Flashes have been reported to disappear completely when vitamin E is accompanied by 1,000-2,000mg of vitamin C and 1,000mg of of calcium.  Usually after a week its normally ok for you to reduce your dosage down to 400 i.u. This is believed to be due to vitamin E's antioxidant and circulatory supporting role in the human body.  Vitamin E can also be used in conjunction with vitamin C to cure cramps, headaches, lower cholesterol, reverse scars and prevent sunburn and skin cancer.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Nutrition No Bullsh$t

Standing in line at any modern supermarket, it may appear inconceivable that anyone today could have a deficiency of vitamins or minerals.  But behind all those pretty signs and bright colors, its all just smoke and mirrors.

Consider, for just a minute that about 25% of all calories we eat comes from added sugar, which contains nothing besides empty calories.  Right off the bat cross out 1/4 of your diet as a potential for vitamins.
If we do not take into consideration those who do not drink alcohol at all, those that drink at least a couple drinks a week consume 25% of all calories from alcohol. Sooo between the sugar and the booze, the average person is getting approx. 1/2 of his daily calorie input from nutritional blanks.
More calories in a typical modern diet come from processed fats: salad oils, cooking oils and fats added to almost everything!  Such fats contain only traces of vitamins and may constitute another 30% of empty bullsh$t calories.
Put all those together and you can see that the same technology that keeps us fat, happy and entertained  has also made it possible to waste almost 80% of our daily diets on food that couldn't keep a sewer rat alive and healthy.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Breast Cancer and Diet

Florida  has one of the highest Breast Cancer rates in the United States, coincidentally it also the lowest soil levels of Selenium as well!  Selenium has been reported to decrease the occurrence of tumors in mice with great success, but a lack of this trace mineral may just cause your body to go crazy for it.
Foods, such as polyunsaturated fats found in corn and other vegetable oils increase the formation of DNA damaging free radicals (free radicals are starved for electrons and thrive in mineral deficient environments).  Women who eat 5 grams of these polyunsaturated fats daily increased their breast cancer risk by 69%
But wait there is hope ladies don't be discouraged.  A study released in 1998 involving 61,000 women from all ages found that the daily ingestion of at least 10 grams of  monounsaturated fat (the good kind found in olive oil and canola) about three-fourths of a tablespoon, cuts the risk of breast cancer in half.  Links to large amounts of vitamin C and a diet rich in Selenium have been reported to reduce or possibly reverse the formation of tumors. If your thinking of taking extra measures against breast cancer and you are considering Selenium, make sure you accompany it with the helper vitamins A and E to bolster extra protection.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Coffee: The Thiamine Menace

When you feel that first cup of coffee wearing off, you reach for another...Then another....Then another because your so worn out and tired from walking from the fax machine to the copy machine at the end of the hall.  First it picks you up, then it drops you on your head like a irresponsible teen mother on prom night.  Your left with a crushing fatigue, another victim of the coffee cycle.  And a victim of thiamine deficiency. 
Along with excessive sugar and alcohol, too much coffee seriously depletes the bodies stores of thiamine.  The result: jittery nerves, irritability and a feeling that your out of control.  Maybe you go around slamming cabinets, or sink into depression at the prospect of doing everyday tasks. 
Thiamine deficiency can lead to heart disease and cardiac failure if left unchecked and unchallenged for long periods of time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Food Processing and Prep: the Vitamin Massacre

A whole healthy food is a different animal when its caged in a can, freezer packed or in a box.  Potatoes, for instance are potentially a regular, reliable source of vitamin C.  But today, many people eat potatoes reconstituted from instant mixes, not realizing that these potato products contain no vitamin C whatsoever.  Figures for citrus fruits(a staple source of vitamin C) are not much better.  Orange juice from a cardboard carton has up to 30% less vitamin C than fresh squeezed juice.  That wouldn't be so bad, but 40% of whats left of the vitamin C is biologically inactive(of no use at all). 

For years the USDA believed that a 6 oz pork loin delivered 5.4 mg of iron a substantial amount.  But recently the USDA has discovered that pork contains only 1.62 mg, 70% less than thought.  Beef the most popular meat in America contains 20% less iron than originally thought. 

Today there are more than 3,000 chemicals used in the commercial food we eat.  And in one way or another many of them are nutrient and immune system antagonist.  The plants we grow are deficient, so in turn we take them a boil the crap out of them, or steam them or even worse microwave those bad boys.  And as a result they contain 20% the original nutritional content after molecular destabilization by cooking.